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Pillars of Faith

In 1 Timothy 3:15 the apostle Paul instructs Timothy with regard to the connection between the church’s responsibility to be the foundation and structure for the truth, and the influence the truth should have on our practice. Consider Paul’s words to the young bishop of the church at Ephesus: “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”

With this admonition in mind, we commit ourselves as a church to the following principles of God’s word, earnestly desiring for them to be reflected in our practices:

The Centrality of the Gospel


We believe that all activities and messages of our church have their source in the gospel of Jesus Christ, that sinners are justified by faith alone, and that the righteousness of Jesus Christ is imputed to believers by God alone. This righteousness is the only righteousness that justifies, and in turn, produces genuine faith that is evidenced by good works. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4Romans 16:25-26James 2:17-18

The Primacy of Biblical Teaching


We believe that a steady diet of gospel focused preaching that clearly exposits the word of God is the most effective way to build up the body of Christ. Preaching and teaching through the books of the Bible to expose the central theme of redemption and restoration through the Lord Jesus Christ will be the primary emphasis of this ministry. Deuteronomy 6:4-9Ezra 7:10Neh. 8:1-12Matt. 4:41 Tim. 4:132 Tim. 3:14-4:5Titus 1:39Heb. 4:121 Peter 1:22-2:3

The Priority of Prayer


We believe that every aspect of our church’s life and ministry ought to be undergirded with regular, fervent prayer; the conversion of the lost being of primary concern. Elements of a godly prayer life (individually and corporately) include adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession. Nehemiah 1Psalm 51Matt. 6:5-15Luke. 19:46Phil. 1:3-11Col. 1:3-121 Tim. 2:1-4James 5:13-18

Authentic Worship


We believe that true worship of God is done in spirit and truth and that the Father seeks those who worship in this manner. This authentic worship of the living God is marked by biblical truth, personal and corporate genuineness, and spiritual depth. Elements of worship include prayer, singing, Scripture reading and preaching and the Lord’s table. Psalm 24Psalm 33Psalm 42Psalm 95Isa. 6:1-8Matt. 4:10John 4:23-24Rom. 12:1-2Heb. 13:15Rev. 4-51 Cor. 11:23-34

A Loving Community


We believe it is our duty to cultivate Christian love, rejoicing, unity and community in the family of God through mentoring relationships, benevolence and biblical instruction. Acts 2:44-47Acts 6:1-7Eph. 4:1-161 Tim. 5:3-82 Tim. 2:2Titus 2:3-5James 1:27

The Necessity of Personal Evangelism


We believe that it is the responsibility of every believer to be a witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will equip and send the church into the community to bring the message of the cross to our own households, neighborhoods, workplaces and the world. Matthew 28:19-20John 20:31Acts 4:12Rom. 10:14-151 Peter 3:15

Missions and Church Planting


We believe it is our responsibility to make intentional efforts to reach the world for Christ by praying, giving, going and planting as we earnestly labor in God’s plan to be a blessing to the nations. Matthew 28:19-20Acts 13-14Acts 16-21

Church Purity


We believe in the exercise of biblical church discipline administered in a spirit of obedience and humility and believe that this practice protects the purity of the church and offers restoration to the wayward. Proverbs 28:13Matt. 5:23-24Matt. 18:15-201 Cor. 5:6-81 Cor. 11:17-34Gal. 6:1-5Eph. 5:25-27

The Family


We believe that the biblical family is the primary institution created by God for the structure of a healthy, God honoring society. The family, designed by God and practiced according to God’s order, is the primary means of discipleship in the church. It is our church’s desire and duty to equip fathers and mothers with all of the tools necessary to rear up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We believe that healthy, scripturally sound families are vital to a healthy scripturally sound church. Genesis 2:24Deut. 6:4-9Psalm 78:5-8Eph. 6:1-42 Tim. 3:14-15