He is a God of specific instruction. As we enter into Genesis chapter twenty-six we get a glimpse into that details of the life of Isaac.
He is a God of specific instruction. As we enter into Genesis chapter twenty-six we get a glimpse into that details of the life of Isaac.
He is a God of grand design. We often have a very limited view of our lives.
He is a God Who answers prayer. Chapter 24 of Genesis is an amazing story of a faithful man who is rewarded by God with the desires of his heart.
He is an equitable God. We have come to a very interesting chapter in the Bible. It is the first chapter where there is no direct mention of God.
He is a faith trying God. Everyone likes a challenge. The satisfaction that comes from the solving of a puzzle.
He is a God of authority. From the very moment that we opened the pages of Genesis we have witnessed the authority of the word of God.
He is a discerner of the heart. How well do you know yourself? Have you ever been surprised by something that you have said or done?
He is a faithful God. Have you ever been in a difficult situation and wondered if God was going to intervene?
He is the God of the impossible. We have a very limited perspective.
He is a demanding God. As we enter the seventeenth chapter, we come to the place where God establishes the parameters of the Abrahamic covenant.